Stepping motor was the main actuator of incremental motion control system.
互联网Give a design on motion control circuit using in robot in miniature.
互联网Devices LLC Universal DC motor control modules and custom motion control design.
互联网Open motion control technology is the kernel of the motion control system.
互联网Consequently, the modularized design and the motion control of robot manipulator are studied in this paper.
因此, 本文主要围绕机器人机械操作臂的模块化设计及其控制展开了研究.
互联网The control system consists of embedded computer, motion control board and build - in PLC board.
控制系统采用嵌入式工控主板+运动控制模板+内装 式 PLC板的系统结构.
互联网Control principles of motion control chip MCX 314 was analyzed.
分析了运动控制芯片MCX314As的 控制原理,运用单步插补控制模式和连续插补控制模式,提出实现螺纹切削的几种方法.
互联网Increment motion control is a multi - state control process.
互联网Design electrical lighting and motion control systems, including control logic programming and harness layout.
设计电气照明和控制系统, 包括控制逻辑程序和动力设计.
互联网Motion control system is the important component of the mobile robot.
互联网Looks very interesting as a motion control feature.
互联网DSPACE implementation of hardware in loop real - time simulation laboratory motion control was built in this paper.
应用dSPACE半物理仿真系统,研制一套电动伺服系统硬件在回路 实时 仿真实验平台.
互联网The design of motion - control system for near - infrared camera CASCAM is presented.
介绍了红外相机 CASCAM 的电动系统设计.
互联网Flat feet need additional motion control and firm heel counters.
互联网Promote Danfoss motion control product actively with or without the help from sales.
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